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5 nov. 2006

Apres WalMart / Edelman au tour de McDonalds de faire dans le faux carnet

Après l'histoire du faux carnet de WalMart & Edelman voici que McDonalds aurait suivit aussi la mauvaise route.
Mais contrairement a ce qui est écrit dans ce billet de George Parker, ces deux faux carnet sont du même auteur selon la section About de ceux-ci. Voici la cache de Google du premier (mcdmillionnairewinner.blogspot.com) qui est disparu en quelques jours et le deuxième, toujours de la même "Marcia", - de Sheboygan du Wisconsin -, qui lui aussi a été fermé rapido presto après que la supercherie soit découverte. On dirait que McDo, - ou la firme de relation publique-, qui a initié ces faux carnets recrute leur rédacteur chez Harlequin.

Voici donc le texte du premier billet du deuxième carnet (www.4railroads.com) publié le même jour que celui de Blogspot :
As the weather starts to turn colder here in Wisconsin and the brat frys start to dwindle, most people get upset because we are saying goodbye to summer, but I get excited. Ever since I can remember, fall means Monopoly at McDonald’s. I have been a constant and one might say, “obsessed” gamer throughout my life, but nothing is more instantly rewarding than playing Monopoly at McDonald’s. I had my fair share of free French Fries and Big Macs through the years (which of course I won’t complain about winning), but nothing matched the day I pulled two game pieces off of one hash brown package while sitting in the drive through at my local McDonald’s and realized I was holding both Park Place and Boardwalk. I immediately re-read the pieces thinking, “There is no way I am seeing what I think I am seeing.” I mean, in my mind, no one really ever won the big prizes. But, I am living proof that people do win the big prizes. My husband and I now receive a check every November and will for the next 20 years. That money goes to help pay for my son’s medical bills, ensures a very happy holiday for all of my friends and family, and has even allowed me to re-create myself professionally to follow my passion verses just working for the pay check. All I know, is winning the $1 million prize at McDonald’s has changed my life and I will definitely be playing again this year, because I believe that lightning can strike twice.
Note: L'emphase sur le gras est de moi !

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